frankincense and myrrh serum

Frankincense &Amp – Myrrh



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125gr Tub

PhytoBalm utilises a natural synergy found in herbs and natural oils.

Combining Terebinth and Clove oil gives efficient, safe, fast pain relief. Better blood circulation is stimulated with the addition of Menthol and Cinnamon oil.

The addition of Eucalyptus oil and Menthol provide an excellent vaporizing combination to quickly de-congest blocked nasal and sinus passages.

For Body pains, Bruises, Sprains and Rheumatics:
Massage thoroughly into painful areas 2 or 3 times daily.

Headaches and Stress pains:
Massage gently onto forehead and temples as required

Sinus and Nasal Congestion:
Add 1 teaspoon of balm to 1L of boiling water, place towel over head to concentrate vapors and gently inhale.

Apply to the affected area

Nappy Rash, Insect bites, skin disorders

Eczema, psoriasis, dry skin etc, apply to the affected area after washing with lukewarm water with Bicarbonate of soda.  1 Tablespoon to 500ml water.
Dry area very well with clean cloth.

Stomach Ulcers and Heartburn

Eat quarter teaspoon of PhytoBalm 3 times per day.
It contains 5 natural oils and will heal the ulcer over time.

Can also be eaten for coughs. The oil soothes the throat.

This Balm is also used as a hair tonic, and will heal any wound.

Additional information

Weight 0.125 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 cm
Sold By: Phytomed